Contrary to belief, the sunshine state is not always sunny. In fact, we actually deal with a lot of rain and driving through it can be a daunting experience for many. Since our accident attorneys feel that is their responsibility to keep you safe on the road, we wanted to provide you with some tips to feel confident behind the wheel even during the heaviest of downpours.
Things you Should know driving in Heavy Rain…
If you live in Florida, then you know that the rainy season is from July to early September. In fact, Florida gets about 55 inches of rainfall a year ranking us as the number 5 state for the most precipitation.
This is important information to take into account when driving. That is because rain may not be avoidable and you need to be aware of any obstacles you may run into while on the rad. For example, the excessive amount of rain can cause flooding. For those cars lower to the ground it may be impossible to move through and it is better not to take chances.
Since we know that its is difficult to navigate how to prepare yourself for intense amounts of rainfall, your accident attorneys have provided you with some tips on how to stay safe.
Tips for Driving in Heavy Rain
Tip #1 Drive Slowly
When driving in the rain, it’s important to reduce your speed. This will help to prevent your car from hydroplaning, which occurs when your tires lose contact with the road and begin to slide on the surface of the water. Hydroplaning can be a scary experience and can cause you to lose control of your vehicle. To prevent hydroplaning, reduce your speed and avoid sudden movements, such as braking or turning sharply.
**Bonus tip: ensure your tires are good before you hit the road.
Tip #2 Give Some Extra Space Between You and the Cars around You
While driving in the rain it is important to give yourself some extra cushion between you and the car in front of you. This will give you more time to react to sudden changes in traffic or road conditions. A good rule of thumb is to maintain a following distance of at least three seconds behind the vehicle in front of you.
Tip #3 Try to Enhance Your Visibility
When driving in the rain, it’s important to use your headlights, even during the day. While this may seems strange, rain will decrease your visibility and your headlights can help you prevent an accident from occurring. You should avoid using high beams at all costs, as this can cause glare and make it more difficult for other drivers to see.
Another tip that people may not know to increase your visibility to other cars is to turn on your hazards. This action used to be illegal in the state of Florida but based off of a new law you are now able to do so. You also may want to throw on your front and rear defrosters.
Tip #4 Do not Ford the Stream
If you see a heavy flow of constant water or a giant puddle which you aren’t sure how deep it could be, do not try to drive through it. Although it may be tempting and seem like it may not be that deep a lot of the time those puddles can be deeper than they appear. It is better to try to find a way around it or pull over to the side somewhere nearby. Cars which are low to the ground can get stuck in those puddles and not be able to move.
Tip #5 Get Your Car Check Ups Regularly
It is important to get your car checked regularly and all circumstances, but when it comes to rain it is extra important. Having bad tread on your tires can lead to hydroplaning or worn out wipers can lead to worsened visibility. No to mention for driving in Florida, look for tires rated high for hot and humid weather. Repair or replace any worn or malfunctioning items promptly. To avoid such incidents from happening as best as we can it is important to maintain and keep your car in the optimal condition.
Tip #6 Know How to Handle the slippery terrain
If you feel your car start to skid there is the chance you could hydroplane. Hydroplaning makes the driver somewhat lose control of the car. If you are ever in that situation try to steer in he direction you want to go and do not push on the brakes. Wait for your tires to properly readjust to the roadway this way you can try to avoid any possible car accidents.
Tip #7 Park in the nearest shopping center or get off at the next exit
If things on the road seem to be getting too bad for you to be able to properly see or drive it maybe a good idea to take a little break. Find the nearest parking lot and just sit in your car till the storm blows over. The anxiety and difficulty of driving makes it easier for you to get into a situation. Better to alleviate that situation entirely and take a pause.
What other steps can I take to prepare to drive in the rain?
Checking the weather report before you head out is always a good idea. This way you can prepare for whatever the sky decides to throws at you. Rain showers usually occur in the afternoon, so it’s better to avoid driving in those times if you can. Make sure your car is equipped with all things it may need during an emergency or accident.
What should I do if I got in an accident during a rain storm?
First off, like in any accident, make sure that everyone is ok and immediately seek medical attention if it s needed. After that call 911 and file a police report. After that you may want to seek the advice of a personal injury attorney to help you understand your legal rights and options.
Call Demesmin and Dover Law Firm a trusted team of personal injury attorneys that deals with cases such as these. Call us today at 866-954-MORE (6673) for your free consultation.